October 20, 2011

Thursday - Period 2

Before proceeding with today's work, all tasks from Tuesday & Wednesday (see post below) must be completed and handed in for marking.

Criteria for Judging the Effectiveness of Films
Next week we will study a number of Tropfest short films.  One of the concluding activities is to act as a judge of the Tropfest Film Festival and decide on the winning film from the selection we study.  To do this we need to agree on what the criteria for an effective, award worthy film would be.  Individually or in small groups you are asked to formulate a list of criteria that could be used in the judging of these films.  Ideas will be shared and a class criteria will be formed from your ideas.

October 18, 2011

Tuesday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 5

Genre & Plot Features

Today we will continue our examination of genre and extend it to also look at plot features associated with each type of film.  We will examine the short film, 'Plot Device', that parody's the various film making styles we have come to expect in certain genres.

Then take a look at the 'Behind the Scenes' video to expand your knowledge and understanding of how some of these genre styles were made.

You will then complete the following:
  1. A table that records the use of filmic techniques for each genre covered.
  2. A paragraph in which you explain your understanding of genre and how they are created by filmmakers.

October 14, 2011

Friday - Period 5

Representation of Ideas by Filmmakers

Today we will look at how filmmakers use film techniques and styles to bring us ideas.  We will look at the original 'Mary Poppins' movie trailer and brainstorm the type of characters and emotions the filmmaker wants us to experience.  Watch this trailer below.

Then you will watch a remixed version that changes our experiences of these characters and the emotions they (and we) feel.  Watch this version below.

Once you have completed your viewing you need to complete the following:

  1. Create a sub-page on your Weebly called 'Film Representation'.
  2. Embed both of the above videos on this page.
  3. Underneath each video describe the characters and the emotions felt by the audience.
  4. Then record (in point form) HOW the filmmaker achieved this.  Consider camera shots and angles, music, editing, captions, etc.

September 20, 2011

Week 10 Term 3

This week we will commence a film unit where we will revise and extend the film knowledge you have gained since Year 7.  If you intend to study in Years 11 & 12 this will be important preparation for you.  Tasks for this week:


  1. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Film'
  2. Insert the mind map below on this page.
  3. Choose 10 terms from the mind map and below it make a list of your own definitions of these terms.
  1. View a range of movie trailers as a class group and participate in discussion about what genre/s they belong to and the conventions used to indicate that genre.
  2. Create a sub-page called 'Film Genre'
  3. Select a movie trailer of your own choosing and embed it on this new page.  Below the video list the genre/s and the features used by the filmmaker from that genre.  (Record your answer in point form.)

September 19, 2011

Weeks 4-10

During this time we will revise the TEXT TYPES that you are likely to encounter in your Trial School Certificate.  You will be issued with a booklet containing features of these texts and activities to prepare you.

Importantly, you need to RESPOND TO (answer questions about) and COMPOSE (write) in these forms.

You are also encouraged to visit the Board of Studies website and practise using their online multiple choice questions.

August 3, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4

Assessment task (in class).  Essay response to the question:

'The study of drama helps us to understand human behaviour.'  How is this true for the play you have studied in class?

August 1, 2011

Monday - Period 3

Using the paragraphs you wrote in Week 2, you will begin to organise your draft essay by writing an introduction and a conclusion.  This will give you an entire draft essay that should guide you in your task on Wednesday.  Remember:  you are not able to bring any notes into the Assessment Task.  

Introductions should:

  • introduce the play and its composer and explain what the purpose of the play is
  • expand on the first point above by listing the behaviours you will address in your essay
  • acknlowledge that the messages about these behaviours are revealed through the character and language that the playwright uses
Conclusions should:
  • have a summary of all the points you addressed in the body paragraphs
  • have a comment on what we have learned from these behaviours
  • not reveal any new information/details

July 30, 2011

Week 2 Lessons

This week we will turn our attention to the upcoming Assessment Task in Week 3.  You will be writing an essay in class in response the the question:

'The study of drama helps us to understand human behaviour.'  How is this true for the play you have studied in class?

So this week will allow you the opportunity to:

  1. Choose the behaviours you will address in your essay
  2. Locate examples in the text where these behaviours are demonstrated
  3. Compose a paragraph for each behaviour that includes the examples and techniques used to 'help us to understand' that behaviour.
Aim to write 3 paragraphs in total.

July 22, 2011

Friday - Period 5

Playwright: Reginald Rose
Dramatic Techniques:  We will complete our notes today by looking at some of the dramatic techniques employed by playwright, Reginald Rose.  These techniques are additional to any language techniques found in the dialogue of the characters.

  • juxtaposition
  • stage directions
  • time
  • pauses/silences
  • rhetorical questions
  • irony
  • motifs

July 20, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4

12 Angry Men - Setting
In today's lesson we will look at how playwright, Reginald Rose, uses the setting of the jury room in his play.  On your Weebly create a new page for the play and then place the photo to the right (found in our 'Classwork' folder).  Then underneath complete the following:

  1. Make a list of words that describe the set and the mood created by the setting
  2. Then in a paragraph explain how the confined setting of the jury room aggravates or creates the conflicts that arise in the play.

May 18, 2011

Weeks 1-4 Term 2

Since returning in Term 2 our lesson schedule has been as follows:

27/04/11:  'An ANZAC's Dream' annotation and deconstruction
29/04/11:  'An ANZAC's Dream' continued
03/05/11:  Speech writing for assessment task
04/05/11:  Speech writing for assessment task
05/05/11:  Speech writing for assessment task
09/05/11:  Assessment Task due.  'Then and Now' reading and annotation
11/05/11:  'Then and Now' tasks
13/05/11:  'Then and Now' tasks continued
17/05/11:  Mrs Lans not in class - School Certificate poetry activities
18/05/11:  Mrs Lans not in class - School Certificate writing activities
19/05/11:  Assessment Task speech presentations.

April 6, 2011

Wednesday - Period 5

We will conclude our study of Mary Gilmore's poem, Old Botany Bay today.  Make sure all tasks have been completed and published on your Weebly.

Consider this poem in terms of the assessment task question:

How do Australia poets use language to convey unique views of Australia?

March 30, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4, Friday - Period 5 & Tuesday - Period 2

We will begin our look at 'Australian Voices' poetry by studying a poem of Mary Gilmore's - 'Old Botany Bay'.

This will involve:
  • small group work during initial reading
  • annotation of poem
  • completion of deconstruction sheet
  • Weebly responses (including research on Mary Gilmore and reading questions)
Finally ... we will brainstorm the 'unique view of Australia' that Gilmore presents in this poem.

March 28, 2011

Monday - Period 3

Assessment Task # 2 issued.

Today you will need to complete your Wallwisher brainstorm on 'what it is to be Australian'.  When you have completed this you will need to embed it on your Weebly.

March 23, 2011

Wednesday - Period 5

Today we will begin our study of poetry by revising poetic terms on the glossary and mind map that is to be glued in your book.

Watch the video below and take note of the ideas that Anthony "K-Swift" expresses in his poem, "What is Poetry?".  On your Weebly (under a new tab titled 'Poetry'),  make a list of his answers using dot points.

Tuesday - Period 2

Assessment Task - Identity (in class) 

Section 1 - 10 Multiple Choice questions
Section 2 - 5 Short Answer questions
Section 3 - Feature Article composition

March 16, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4 & Friday - Period 5

 Today you will compose the draft of your feature article:  "What is it to be an Australian in the 21st century?".  The ideas we brainstormed last lesson can be found in the diagram below, but feel free to add your own ideas.  You might also take some ideas from the images it contains.  Your draft will need to be typed in a Word document. Remember to use the feature article scaffold in your book to guide your writing.

March 14, 2011

Monday - Period 3

To practise for your assessment task in Week 8 we will write a feature article on identity.

First we will take a look at the scaffold contained in the assessment task and look at some feature articles.

Next we will brainstorm our feature article topic:  "What is Australian identity in the 21st century?".

Then you will spend some time researching possible ideas to include in your article.

March 10, 2011

Thursday - Period 2

Using the diagram below (from Tuesday's lesson) you will today write an outline of the identity features of 'The Gravedigger'.  You should have also put this diagram on your Weebly.

This needs to be written in paragraphs on your Weebly and SHOULD NOT simply RETELL the story, but describe the identity ideas throughout the text.  The diagram will help you - look at each part and write about what each part teaches us about identity.

March 9, 2011

Wednesday - Period 2

Before we begin writing about identity messages found in The Gravedigger, we will take some time to look at a range of identity ideas and explore some vocabulary around them.

Using the sheet in your book that defines and describes identity, locate words that are unfamiliar to you or that you don't commonly use.  Visit www.lexipedia.com and find the definitions of these words.  Make a list of them and their definitions in your book.

Tuesday - Period 5 (8/3/11)

Today we will read another identity story, Joy Dettman's The Gravedigger.  This story considers how our identity is formed by factors and influences outside our control, and how understanding can work beyond the obvious identity we project or have been given.

Mind map of the identity elements of the plot:

March 4, 2011

Friday - Period 5

Following a class discussion on celebrity identity and physical appearance, you will finish the tasks from last lesson.  In particular you should have ideas from the discussion that you can include in your response to:

2.  Two paragraphs stating your opinion on how our identity is influenced by our physical appearance.  You can refer to specific examples from the short story, 'Cinderella, Inc' or your internet research.

Remember: your paragraph must include ...
Topic sentence
Body sentences (supporting details/examples/evidence)
Concluding sentence

March 2, 2011

Wednesday - Period 4

Today you will complete your internet research on the use of plastic surgery by celebrities.  To demonstrate how identity is linked to a change in physical appearance you need to post the following on your Weebly:

  1. a collage of celebrities who have had plastic surgery (use Photovisi to create your collage and then embed into your Weebly)
  2. Your opinion on how our identity is influenced by our physical appearance.  This should be two paragraphs long and you can refer to specific examples or the short story, 'Cinderella, Inc' or your internet research.

March 1, 2011

Thursday - Period 2 (24/2/11)

Today you will complete some multiple choice and short answer comprehension questions about the short story, 'Cinderella, Inc'.  These questions are similar in style to your assessment task and the School Certificate Examination.

For the remainder of the lesson you are to investigate the use of plastic surgery by celebrities in anticipation of our next lesson.

February 23, 2011

Wednesday - Period 5

Lesson lost due to History/Geography excursion.

February 22, 2011

Friday - Period 5 & Tuesday - Period 2

In these lessons we will read and respond to our next short story - 'Cinderella, Inc'.  In this story the author, Christopher Anvil, writes about a future time where we can physically transform ourselves through surgery to assume new and completely different physical identities.  This story raises the issue of how we (and others) perceive our identity based on our looks.

You will use the short story response questions in your book and post responses on your Weebly.

February 14, 2011

Monday - Period 3 & Wednesday - Period 4

Now that our initial activities for the beginning of the year are out of the way (spelling and comprehension tests, Weebly setup) we will be concentrating on the concept of 'identity'.

The PowerPoint we viewed gave us some basic ideas around identity.  We will look at a range of short stories that deal with different aspects of identity and look at the composer's message about identity.  Each will make comments about the importance of identity through the story they tell.

We will start by looking at Maria Nuttick's short story, Carpe Diem.  In this story an old woman, Bitsy, spends her day completely out of character.  For this, and all the texts we study, we will address the following questions:
1.      In no more than 3 sentences write a synopsis (outline) of the plot.  (What is the story about?)

2.     List the personal, social and cultural identity details of the protagonist (main character).  This can be done in point form.
3.     What words, phrases and sentences are in the text that describe or allow us to recognise the identity of the protagonist?
4.     Identify the language techniques in the examples you find for question 3.
5.     How does the composer want us to feel about the protagonist/antagonist?
6.    What lesson/s do we learn about ‘identity’ from this story?
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