September 20, 2011

Week 10 Term 3

This week we will commence a film unit where we will revise and extend the film knowledge you have gained since Year 7.  If you intend to study in Years 11 & 12 this will be important preparation for you.  Tasks for this week:


  1. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Film'
  2. Insert the mind map below on this page.
  3. Choose 10 terms from the mind map and below it make a list of your own definitions of these terms.
  1. View a range of movie trailers as a class group and participate in discussion about what genre/s they belong to and the conventions used to indicate that genre.
  2. Create a sub-page called 'Film Genre'
  3. Select a movie trailer of your own choosing and embed it on this new page.  Below the video list the genre/s and the features used by the filmmaker from that genre.  (Record your answer in point form.)

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