May 18, 2011

Weeks 1-4 Term 2

Since returning in Term 2 our lesson schedule has been as follows:

27/04/11:  'An ANZAC's Dream' annotation and deconstruction
29/04/11:  'An ANZAC's Dream' continued
03/05/11:  Speech writing for assessment task
04/05/11:  Speech writing for assessment task
05/05/11:  Speech writing for assessment task
09/05/11:  Assessment Task due.  'Then and Now' reading and annotation
11/05/11:  'Then and Now' tasks
13/05/11:  'Then and Now' tasks continued
17/05/11:  Mrs Lans not in class - School Certificate poetry activities
18/05/11:  Mrs Lans not in class - School Certificate writing activities
19/05/11:  Assessment Task speech presentations.

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