October 14, 2011

Friday - Period 5

Representation of Ideas by Filmmakers

Today we will look at how filmmakers use film techniques and styles to bring us ideas.  We will look at the original 'Mary Poppins' movie trailer and brainstorm the type of characters and emotions the filmmaker wants us to experience.  Watch this trailer below.

Then you will watch a remixed version that changes our experiences of these characters and the emotions they (and we) feel.  Watch this version below.

Once you have completed your viewing you need to complete the following:

  1. Create a sub-page on your Weebly called 'Film Representation'.
  2. Embed both of the above videos on this page.
  3. Underneath each video describe the characters and the emotions felt by the audience.
  4. Then record (in point form) HOW the filmmaker achieved this.  Consider camera shots and angles, music, editing, captions, etc.

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