February 14, 2011

Monday - Period 3 & Wednesday - Period 4

Now that our initial activities for the beginning of the year are out of the way (spelling and comprehension tests, Weebly setup) we will be concentrating on the concept of 'identity'.

The PowerPoint we viewed gave us some basic ideas around identity.  We will look at a range of short stories that deal with different aspects of identity and look at the composer's message about identity.  Each will make comments about the importance of identity through the story they tell.

We will start by looking at Maria Nuttick's short story, Carpe Diem.  In this story an old woman, Bitsy, spends her day completely out of character.  For this, and all the texts we study, we will address the following questions:
1.      In no more than 3 sentences write a synopsis (outline) of the plot.  (What is the story about?)

2.     List the personal, social and cultural identity details of the protagonist (main character).  This can be done in point form.
3.     What words, phrases and sentences are in the text that describe or allow us to recognise the identity of the protagonist?
4.     Identify the language techniques in the examples you find for question 3.
5.     How does the composer want us to feel about the protagonist/antagonist?
6.    What lesson/s do we learn about ‘identity’ from this story?

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