September 18, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3 & Thursday - Period 1

The Running Man

  1. Examination of quotes from the text that develop belonging ideas.
  2. The Running Man extract activity - What does Joseph's anecdote about his art teacher, Mr De Groot, tell us about identity?  (Weebly response)
  3. Unit summary - create a new page on your Weebly.  Choose three (3) texts and for each one, explain what it has taught you about the concept of identity. Also choose one (1) quote from the ones we have looked at throughout the unit and explain why this quote makes the most sense to you about the nature of identity.  

September 10, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

The Running Man

In pairs you will be given a chapter of the novel which you are to reread closely and make notes on the following question.

How are Tom Leyton, Joseph Davidson, The Running Man, and Mrs Mossop represented in your chapter.  Record examples (quotes) from the text that show how Michael Gerard Bauer has created the identity of these characters.

These notes will be shared with the rest of the class in a future lesson, so you need to ensure that you adequately record your information for the benefit of others.
  • Narrative writing - reflection statement writing.  Completion of table that will assist you to complete your Reflection Statement for your upcoming assessment task.
Reminder - your revised copy of your assessment task narrative is to be sighted next Tuesday, 18th September.

September 4, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Our study of The Running Man will start today.  To understand the identity of Tom Leyton you need to read/view each of the texts below.  You are looking at how Vietnam veterans are represented in texts.  In particular you need to focus on the following questions for EACH text:
  1. How does the text represent Vietnam veterans?
  2. What techniques are effective in achieving this representation? (eg figurative language, colloquial language, emotive language, jargon, persona/point of view, visual techniques)
  3. What does the text suggest are the effects of having fought in Vietnam?

Writing Task:  Using these ideas, then compose a paragraph on your Weebly that outlines how you believe Vietnam veterans are stereotyped.

August 27, 2012

Monday - Period 2, Wednesday - Period 4 & Friday - Period 5

Homework Reminder - You need to have read 'The Running Man' to Chapter 17 by Wednesday, 30/8/12.  Make sure you have the book with you for Wednesday's lesson and be prepared for a post-reading task.

Assessment Task Reminder - Progressive submission due 31st August (Friday Week 7).  FIRST DRAFT TO BE SIGHTED IN FRIDAY'S LESSON.

Monday: (groups to swap for Wednesday's lesson)
Group B - complete work from Friday's lesson on your Weebly.

Group A - 'Identity' poem by Julio Noboa Polanco.  Identity ideas and poetic features examined, in particular Polanco's use of extended metaphor.  Student composition of an identity poem using his poem as a model (see example below).

Friday - Period 4

Feature Articles - Today you will have the choice of feature article you wish to look at.  For either you need to complete the tasks below on your Weebly:

'Postcards of Pride' - read and decide on the identity ideas represented by the composer.  Then design a tattoo of your postcode and accompany it with a paragraph that explains how the location in which you live forms (or does not form) elements of your identity.

'Wristbands' - read and decide on the identity ideas represented by the composer.  Then design 3 wristbands that represent elements of your personality or identity and accompany it with a paragraph that explains how these wristbands represent elements of your identity.

August 23, 2012

Thursday - Period 1

Today we will make sure all work from Week 5 has been completed.  When finished you will spend time with me looking at how the texts we have studied have bought us both identity ideas and possible narrative styles and structures you could use in your assessment task.

August 21, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Today we will consolidate last week's work by specifically taking a look at the structure of the short stories from last week.  Identification of the structure and language features of these texts will be considered for the possible ideas they may give you for your assessment task narrative.

Homework:  Read Chapters 13-17 of The Running Man by Wednesday, 29th August.

Friday - Period 5

Lesson lost due to History/Geography excursion.

August 15, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

Following on from our narrative revision last lesson, we will complete a guiding writing exercise that uses another short story as the model for our writing.

Monday - Period 2

Revision of narrative structure.Narrative Overview

August 7, 2012

Week 4 Activities

This week you are required to complete all of the tasks below.  You have the choice of when you attempt a particular task, however they must all be completed by the end of Week 4.  Unfinished tasks become homework (with the exception of the tutorial).
  • The Running Man - Read Chapters 4-8 for homework and complete the reading journal response (under this post).
  • 'Hook Me Up' - The Veronica's (continued)
  1. On your Weebly create a sub-page titled 'Hook Me Up'.
  2. Insert the YouTube video of the lyrics.
  3. Select 4 identity quotes from the text.
  4. Record each quote, identify the technique/s it contains, and explain what it says about identity.
  • Poem - Kaleidoscope by Vicki Bennet
  1. Annotate the poem for its techniques and identity ideas
  2. Compose conceptual statements that summarise the identity ideas.
  3. Create a collage using Photovisi that represents the poem's key ideas and insert it on your Weebly under a sub-page titled, 'Kaleidoscope'.  
  • Short Story - Carpe Diem by Maria Nuttick and My Father's Hands by Calvin Worthington
  1. Read both stories
  2. Jot down key identity ideas that occur to you after reading
  3. Study the style of the story (narrator, characters, flashbacks, structure, dialogue, ending, etc), taking note of how and what works in this narrative.
  • Join Mrs Lans for a discussion/revision of short story elements.  This will begin the work needed for your own short story (assessment task).

August 6, 2012

Weekly Reading Journal - 'The Running Man'

Week 4 Response:  The blurb contains some key ideas: 'uneasy relationships', 'dark secrets', 'judgements' and 'how we cope with tragedy'.  How have these ideas emerged in your reading of Chapters 4-8?  Be specific in your response.

August 3, 2012

Friday - Period 5

All work on 'Making the Cut' should now be complete.  Finish for homework if needed.

Homework:  Don't forget to post your comment to the weekly reading journal for 'The Running Man'.  Use the tab under the blog heading and follow the Week 3 prompt instructions.

Song Lyric - 'Hook Me Up' by The Veronicas


  1. View video and read lyrics
  2. Annotate lyrics with the techniques and identity ideas they contain
  3. Create as many conceptual statements as you can that represent the identity ideas/messages contained in the text
  4. If time, create a new sub-page on your Weebly called, 'Hook Me Up' and insert the video.

August 1, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

Group B - Deconstruction and analysis of 'Making the Cut' blog entry

Group A - Weebly tasks:  
  1. Create a new page called 'Identity'.  On this page you are to write a paragraph that describes your identity.  Make sure you address your personal, social and cultural identities.  
  2. Then create a sub-page called 'Stereotypes'.  On this page type up the two diary entries for ONE of the stereotypes you considered in Week 2.  This character may be one that you incorporate in your own short story about identity in future weeks.
  3. Create another sub-page called 'Making the Cut'.  On this page add a link to Zoe Keating's blog entry which you will find here.  Insert a YouTube video of one of her cello performances and photos of Zoe.
  4. Finally, using the blog entry we deconstructed on Monday, write a paragraph in response to the question:  How does Zoe Keating define her identity in her blog entry, 'Making the Cut'?  Make sure you make reference to specific examples and the language techniques she uses in her blog post.
Homework:  Don't forget to post your comment to the weekly reading journal for 'The Running Man'.  Use the tab under the blog heading and follow the Week 3 prompt instructions.

July 30, 2012

Monday - Period 2

Borrowing of class novel - 'The Running Man' by Gerard Michael Bauer'

Group A - Deconstruction and analysis of 'Making the Cut' blog entry

Group B - Weebly:  Create a new page called 'Identity'.  On this page you are to write a paragraph that describes your identity.  Make sure you address your personal, social and cultural identities.  Then create a sub-page called 'Stereotypes'.  On this page type up the two diary entries for ONE of the stereotypes you considered in Week 2.  This character may be one that you incorporate in your own short story about identity in future weeks.

Week 2 Term 3

24th July - Stereotypes:  identification and matching activity.  Diary entries for 2 stereotypes.

28th July - Drama Assessment Task due.  Identity Text - 'Making the Cut' Blog entry

Week 1 Term 3

16th July - Staff Development Day

18th July - Introduction to Identity: PowerPoint

20th July - Identity PowerPoint (continued)

June 28, 2012

Thursday - Period 1

3 Lessons lost due to Year 10 Retreat, Walkathon and Athletics Carnival.

Group A:  On your Weebly create a subpage titled 'Themes'.  Using the Statement/Evidence sheet completed last week, compose a paragraph for each of the themes - Justice - Prejudice - Class.  Each paragraph should explain Reginald Rose's message about the theme and supported by two quotes that demonstrate this message.

Group B:  Close study of a key scene with Mrs Lans.  (Rejection of Juror # 10 by remaining jurors)

June 12, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Monday's lesson lost to long weekend.

  • Return of Poetry Assessment Task
  • Revision of play script structure and features.  See this PDF for guidelines.
  • Characterisation:  Avatars for 3 jurors (to be completed this lesson) and embedded on your Weebly.

June 4, 2012

Monday - Period 2

You will receive a copy of the collaborative plot synopsis that we created in Week 6.  Using different coloured highlighters, mark the plot details to indicate the following:
  • High-level tension
  • Mid-level tension
  • Low-level tension
In pairs you will begin to address characterisation by considering the various characters Reginald Rose has created to develop his themes.  You will receive a character table that profiles each juror and using this information you are to create Voki avatars. Each avatar must begin with an introduction ("I am Juror Number ...) and their comments should clearly indicate the feelings and attitudes of the juror.   This will be a paired activity where you will share both ideas and the end product.  Embed your avatars on your Weeblys. 

May 31, 2012

Thursday - Period 2 & Friday - Period 4


  1. Poetry Unit Reflection Sheet
  2. Semester 2 Self-Assessment of Report Criteria - insert the image of the criteria on a new page on your Weebly called 'Self Assessment'.  Underneath record the grade you feel you have earned this semester together with an explanation of why this grade applies.

12 Angry Men:  We will begin to look at the tension and pace of the plot.  You will be allocated a number of pages to read and then supply a brief summary of what occurs in those pages.  This information will be compiled in a class summary and will be used to create a tension graph in future lessons.

Tuesday - Period 3

Mrs Lans out of class.  Complete the following activities:

  1. Verdict order (change to verdict according to juror number)
  2. Quote sheet (locate the juror and page number for each quote)

May 25, 2012

Friday - Period 5

Following our viewing of the play we will agree on a synopsis of the plot and look at some legal jargon relevant to our study.

You are also asked to consider the notion of 'reasonable doubt'.  Why is 'guilt beyond a reasonable doubt' a key element of our justice system?

Verdict order of the jurors located in the script and recorded.

May 21, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

Drama Unit - Close Study of '12 Angry Men'
Following our viewing of the film, we will begin a drama unit where we will study Reginald Rose's play about the jury system.  Before looking at the play you will consider the context (the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.) of the play which was set in 1950s America.
  1. Drama mind-map examined.
  2. Drama glossary terms examined.
  3. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Drama' and a sub-page titled 'Context'.
  4. Watch the videos and read the document below.
  5. Using the information contained in both, create:
  • summary of American life in the 1950s
  • description of American social classes 
   6.  Then compose a synopsis (outline) of the plot.

May 18, 2012

Thursday - Period 1 & Friday - Period 4

Film viewing - 12 Angry Men, the film version of Reginald Rose's play.

May 16, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Assessment Task

In class discussion essay on two poems studied in the poetry unit.

May 11, 2012

Friday - Period 5

In preparation for your discussion essay assessment task next week, we will today look at the scaffold for the task.  Each dot point in the scaffold has been demonstrated in the exemplar below which addresses 2 poems we have not studied in class.

Discussion Essay Exemplar

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

Our final 'Australian Voices' poem will be Midnight Oil's song lyric, 'Blue Sky Mine'.  Because of time constraints, the annotated version is found below and needs to be summarised in the poetry table we have used for each poem.

Blue Sky Mine

May 4, 2012

Friday - Period 4

Group A:  On your Weebly create subpages for each of the poems we have studied so far ('Then and Now' & 'Flies, Damn Flies and Ballistics', & 'Life Cycle').  For each poem answer the following questions in detail.

Group B:  You will begin looking at Bruce Dawe's poem, Life Cycle, that reflects on the fanaticism of AFL supporters. 

May 3, 2012

Thursday - Period 1

Group B:  On your Weebly create subpages for each of the poems we have studied so far ('Then and Now' & 'Flies, Damn Flies and Ballistics').  For each poem answer the following questions in detail.

Group A:  You will begin looking at Bruce Dawe's poem, Life Cycle, that reflects on the fanaticism of AFL supporters. 

April 23, 2012

Monday - Period 2, Friday - Period 5 & Tuesday - Period 3

Flies, damn flies and ballistics

We will turn our attention to the second poem for study by looking at Gabriell Bryden's poem about the bane of most Australians - flies.  To begin with you will attempt to deconstruct the poem on your own as revision of our last guided poem, 'Then and Now'.  Then you will be in groups to specifically concentrate on varying elements of the poem that you will eventually share with the rest of the class.

See 'How to look at a poem' below or refer to your copy in your book.

Next we will annotate the poem before transferring your notes to the summary table.

Homework:  On Tuesday you borrowed the short story booklet, Ten Out of Ten.  This week you are to read the story, 'Going for Kebabs' and then create a character profile for the characters of Carmina and the narrator on your Weebly.

March 28, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

'Then and Now' - Oodgeroo Noonuccal

In this lesson we will discuss this poem, having deconstructed it in our last lesson.  In particular we will consider:

  • the voice contained in the poem
  • the mood and tone 
  • the voice's feelings about modern Australian civilisation
  • the indigenous connection to the environment
  • the aim of the poet

March 26, 2012

Monday - Period 2

Handouts to be kept in your book:
  1. Poetry Mind Map
  2. Poetry Glossary & Deconstruction Process
  3. Poetic Forms
We will begin our look at Australian poetry by studying the poem of Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker).  This will comprise all the steps listed on the second handout above - 'How to look at a poem' (see below).
Group A: complete the activities on the last page of the poetry booklet
Group B: deconstruction of the poem with Mrs Lans

March 14, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3, Friday - Period 5

Poetry Unit: 'Australian Voices'

Today we will begin our next unit on Australian poetry.  First we will look at the subject specific terminology relevant to the unit and revise these terms.  To begin we will spend time defining what it is to be Australian.  Use the 'Poetry Resources' tab above to locate a variety of videos that represent varying images of Australia and Australians.

View these videos with another student, discussing what type of Australian identity is expressed in each.  Additionally, consider if there are images of Australia not present.  

Then ... on your Weebly compose a profile of what constitutes Australian identity?  
  1. What makes us uniquely Australian?
  2. Do these identities represent you?  
  3. Do they represent all Australians?  
  4. What do they say about us and how we live?

March 13, 2012

Monday - Period 2

In preparation for your upcoming Speech Assessment Task, we will take a look at the presentation criteria for the task and discuss the areas of eye contact, voice modulation, volume, pace, pauses, and body language/gestures.  Then to put this into practise you will each be given a topic on which you will speak to the class for 45 seconds, concentrating on using each of the above elements to engage your audience.

To complete our 'Art of Rhetoric' unit, you will complete a reflection sheet to consider your learning about rhetoric.

March 7, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Language exercise:  nominalisation (conversion of a verb to a noun)
  • Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.  It marked the beginning of World War II in Europe.
  • Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the beginning of World War II in Europe.
As part of our study of Principal Clark's speech in Lean on Me, you will be writing a paragraph response to the question:  Evaluate the effectiveness of Principal Clark's speech in Lean On Me in achieving his purpose.

In today's lesson a paragraph response to this type of question has been modelled to guide your response to the above question.Paragraph Exemplar - Yr 10

February 27, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

To consolidate what we have done so far we will take a look at the subject specific terminology list for this unit and clarify our understandings of the terms encountered to date.

Lean on Me - Principal Clark's Speech

We will start examining this speech through a word cloud to predict the tone and subject matter of the text.  Next, you will look at the transcript and annotate the techniques that you can identify.  Finally, you will complete the following on your Weebly:
  1. SOAPS details
  2. Tone of the speech - what attitude is being expressed by Principal Clark.  Explain your answer
  3. Use of ethos, pathos, and/or logos - how is this developed?
  4. A paragraph response to the question -  Evaluate the effectiveness of Principal Clark's speech in Lean On Me in achieving his purpose.

February 21, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3 & Thursday - Period 1

Inpendence Day Speech:

Continuing our work from last lesson, you will annotate your own personal copy of the speech.  We will look at how it is structured and the 'voices' it contains.

Once this is complete you will need to complete the following tasks on your Weebly:

  1. Under the 'Rhetoric' tab create a new sub-page called 'Independence Day'.
  2. Using 'SOAPS' describe each section.
  3. Insert the video onto your page (locate the embed code from Youtube)
  4. Underneath the video describe the structure
  5. Describe the 'voices' contained in the speech.

February 17, 2012

Friday - Period 5

Rhetorical study of The President's address in the film, Independence Day.

1. Initial task:  SOAPS - Speaker - Occasion - Audience - Purpose - Subject
2. Speech deconstruction: using the frequency list and your Rhetorical Devices Glossary, locate the rhetorical devices found in the text.  In groups of 2 or 3, annotate your copy using sticky notes.

February 15, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

Group A:  Weebly - ethos, pathos and logos.  Understanding shown using a print advertisement under a sub-heading 'Ethos - Pathos - Logos'.
Group B:  Introduction to rhetorical devices (glossary)

February 13, 2012

Monday - Period 2

Group A:  introduction to rhetorical devices (glossary)
Group B:  Weebly - ethos, pathos and logos.  Understanding shown using a print advertisement under a sub-heading 'Ethos - Pathos - Logos'.

February 9, 2012

Thursday - Period 1

Ethos - Pathos - Logos
Today we will look at each of these as part of Aristotle's theory of effective communication.
Ethos Pathos Logos Sheet

Then we will look at the Chevron, 'Human Energy' television advertisements and discuss the use of each element.

February 7, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

To begin our study of rhetoric we will consider the relationships between each of the following elements:

Following discussion around these areas you need to:

  1. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Rhetoric'
  2. On that page write your definition of rhetoric
  3. In point form detail your understanding of the relationships between the above elements

February 4, 2012

Friday - Period 5

Today you will receive and examine your Subject Specific Terminology and Report Criteria for Semester 1.

The remainder of the lesson will be spent setting up your Weebly ready for future lessons/tasks.  You need the password and userid given to you, and must log into to begin.  Take the time to become familiar with the features of Weebly.

February 1, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

Welcome to English in 2012.  We will begin this year with the following:
  • Outline of what you will study this year
  • A look at this blog and the Weebly you will complete your work on
  • Set up the book you will keep this year
  • If time, begin to look at our first unit on rhetoric
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