May 21, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

Drama Unit - Close Study of '12 Angry Men'
Following our viewing of the film, we will begin a drama unit where we will study Reginald Rose's play about the jury system.  Before looking at the play you will consider the context (the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.) of the play which was set in 1950s America.
  1. Drama mind-map examined.
  2. Drama glossary terms examined.
  3. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Drama' and a sub-page titled 'Context'.
  4. Watch the videos and read the document below.
  5. Using the information contained in both, create:
  • summary of American life in the 1950s
  • description of American social classes 
   6.  Then compose a synopsis (outline) of the plot.

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