March 14, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3, Friday - Period 5

Poetry Unit: 'Australian Voices'

Today we will begin our next unit on Australian poetry.  First we will look at the subject specific terminology relevant to the unit and revise these terms.  To begin we will spend time defining what it is to be Australian.  Use the 'Poetry Resources' tab above to locate a variety of videos that represent varying images of Australia and Australians.

View these videos with another student, discussing what type of Australian identity is expressed in each.  Additionally, consider if there are images of Australia not present.  

Then ... on your Weebly compose a profile of what constitutes Australian identity?  
  1. What makes us uniquely Australian?
  2. Do these identities represent you?  
  3. Do they represent all Australians?  
  4. What do they say about us and how we live?

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