April 23, 2010

Friday - Period 3


1.  Five act play structure examined.  MOV mapped to Freytag's dramatic structure.
2.  Backchannelling:  initial discussions around Shylock

Homework:  Assessment Task # 2 (Identity Speech) transcript is due on 30/4/10.  Make sure you have started work on this, giving yourself enough time to rehearse your speech and modify it if timing is a factor.  Remember you need to focus on 'challenges' to identity and how they can be seen in 'Mona Lisa Smile' and a text of your choosing.  See the mind map on the post below dated 24/3/10 for guidance.
You must identify and comment on the effectiveness of the techniques the filmmaker has used to give you these messages.  These can be found in your classnotes.  Two-thirds of your speech should address the film and one third the related text.

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