March 29, 2010

Monday - Period 5


1.  Identity Assessment Task for students who were absent on Friday.
2.  Writing:  paragraph writing using exemplar as a model for paragraphs on 'Mona Lisa Smile' and a related text.  The brainstorming done in Wednesday's lesson can be found in the blog post below.

Holiday homework: 
1.  'What Matters?' final copy to be completed.  Due on first lesson of Term 2 or emailed earlier if possible.
2.  'The Merchant of Venice' abridged text to be read before the beginning of Term 2.  Post-reading quiz will take place in the first lesson.  For assistance in understanding the text, you can refer to the 'No Fear Shakespeare' online translation of the text.
  • You can also download a free audio version from iTunes.  Use the 'Power Search' option and search for the title of the play.
  • The BBC has some useful videos and information on the play which can be found here.

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