May 31, 2012

Thursday - Period 2 & Friday - Period 4


  1. Poetry Unit Reflection Sheet
  2. Semester 2 Self-Assessment of Report Criteria - insert the image of the criteria on a new page on your Weebly called 'Self Assessment'.  Underneath record the grade you feel you have earned this semester together with an explanation of why this grade applies.

12 Angry Men:  We will begin to look at the tension and pace of the plot.  You will be allocated a number of pages to read and then supply a brief summary of what occurs in those pages.  This information will be compiled in a class summary and will be used to create a tension graph in future lessons.

Tuesday - Period 3

Mrs Lans out of class.  Complete the following activities:

  1. Verdict order (change to verdict according to juror number)
  2. Quote sheet (locate the juror and page number for each quote)

May 25, 2012

Friday - Period 5

Following our viewing of the play we will agree on a synopsis of the plot and look at some legal jargon relevant to our study.

You are also asked to consider the notion of 'reasonable doubt'.  Why is 'guilt beyond a reasonable doubt' a key element of our justice system?

Verdict order of the jurors located in the script and recorded.

May 21, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

Drama Unit - Close Study of '12 Angry Men'
Following our viewing of the film, we will begin a drama unit where we will study Reginald Rose's play about the jury system.  Before looking at the play you will consider the context (the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.) of the play which was set in 1950s America.
  1. Drama mind-map examined.
  2. Drama glossary terms examined.
  3. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Drama' and a sub-page titled 'Context'.
  4. Watch the videos and read the document below.
  5. Using the information contained in both, create:
  • summary of American life in the 1950s
  • description of American social classes 
   6.  Then compose a synopsis (outline) of the plot.

May 18, 2012

Thursday - Period 1 & Friday - Period 4

Film viewing - 12 Angry Men, the film version of Reginald Rose's play.

May 16, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Assessment Task

In class discussion essay on two poems studied in the poetry unit.

May 11, 2012

Friday - Period 5

In preparation for your discussion essay assessment task next week, we will today look at the scaffold for the task.  Each dot point in the scaffold has been demonstrated in the exemplar below which addresses 2 poems we have not studied in class.

Discussion Essay Exemplar

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

Our final 'Australian Voices' poem will be Midnight Oil's song lyric, 'Blue Sky Mine'.  Because of time constraints, the annotated version is found below and needs to be summarised in the poetry table we have used for each poem.

Blue Sky Mine

May 4, 2012

Friday - Period 4

Group A:  On your Weebly create subpages for each of the poems we have studied so far ('Then and Now' & 'Flies, Damn Flies and Ballistics', & 'Life Cycle').  For each poem answer the following questions in detail.

Group B:  You will begin looking at Bruce Dawe's poem, Life Cycle, that reflects on the fanaticism of AFL supporters. 

May 3, 2012

Thursday - Period 1

Group B:  On your Weebly create subpages for each of the poems we have studied so far ('Then and Now' & 'Flies, Damn Flies and Ballistics').  For each poem answer the following questions in detail.

Group A:  You will begin looking at Bruce Dawe's poem, Life Cycle, that reflects on the fanaticism of AFL supporters. 

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