October 24, 2010

Friday - Period 3 & Monday - Period 2

School Certificate Preparation:  In these lessons you will compose a feature article on the issue of mosquito alarms.  You will decide the purpose of your article (inform, entertain, educate, etc) and approach (informative, balanced, humorous, etc) and concentrate on a composition that observes the structure and conventions of a feature article.

October 18, 2010

Monday - Period 5

School Certificate Preparation:  To consolidate our examination of poetry in preparation for the School Certificate, you will annotate an unseen poem under time conditions, as well as complete the short answer questions from the 2006 School Certificate Examination.

October 14, 2010

Wednesday - Period 1 & Friday - Period 3

School Certificate Trial Feedback - papers returned and teacher feedback given.

  • Letter to the Editor - student checklist completed.
  • Narrative - marking criteria examined, areas for consideration discussed.
  • Poem, 'Circular Breathing' - initial reading in anticipation of review.  Group analysis of a stanza, shared with entire class.  Short answer questions and marking scheme revisited following our analysis.
The aim of this feedback and revision is for you to recognise where you did not achieve marks.  You need to reflect on whether this was an oversight, misunderstanding of the question, or insufficient knowledge.  When you can pinpoint where you lost marks, you can strategise on how to ensure you get them in the School Certificate exam in November.
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