June 4, 2010

Friday - Period 3

Well done to everyone on their voicethreads for the casket riddles.


Our focus activity to reintroduce poetry will be an evaluative activity using poetry typography (see links below).  The aim of this activity is to acknowledge the power of poetry to concisely and effectively explore ideas.

View each of the videos and read the poems on the handout provided.  In your book note down the subject matter and theme of each poem.  Choose the poem that you feel was most powerful in exploring a theme and also choose a video that you feel best represented the poem visually.  Post a response using the 'comments' link below explaining both of your choices.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjXHRUlKe_M (You Want a Social Life, With Friends' - Kenneth Koche)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-CXa7RePu4 ('No Cure' - Derek del Barrio)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyNxBIDZoV8 ('For Your Tomorrow' - Major John Etty-Leal)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f9IAqWcF_0 ('Puppy Mill' - Peggy Wilson)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utcb7JTrX-M ('The Clock of Life' - Robert H. Smith)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tTeZNfwesg ('If' - Rudyard Kipling)


  1. wade: I believe that the poem "If" is the most effective poem because of the use of anaphora with the word 'If'.

  2. Cameron =D says:
    in my opinion the poem called for your tommorow is my favourite as it expresses the idea simply but effectively and the issue is explored well. Also the purpose of it is good in that it is hidden to the first glance and it is not until you look deeper that u find the true meaning of it. However my favourite typography was that of no cure and If because they were creative and showed the idea in a classy, interesting and mature fashion.

  3. Ali: i liked the poem " For your tomorow" it may only be four lines but but it is in the simplicity of it that the messgae is clear, telling how much the soldiers gave up. i also liked the typography of the poem, "you want a social life, with friends" the colours were simple, and although it was clevaly composed to reflect the words, you did not get lost in the visual's and still remained focosed on the actual poem.

  4. Ellenor: I found all the poems good (bar 'You Want a Social Life, with Friends), however I thought that 'Puppy Mill' was the most moving. However its typography was... boring. I thought the best typography was 'If...' because the animations were interesting and the music was very cool. 8)

  5. The video which I chose was the visual version of Rudyard's Kipling's "IF". I chose this video because it represents the poem very well and effectively encapsulates the subject matter.

    The poem that I think was the most effective was "Puppy Mill". This is because the poem effectively explores a diverse theme. This is true because I felt sympathetic and upset towards the dog who the poem was about.


  6. my favourite typograpgy was IF by Rudyard Kipling mostly because it didnt realy use pictures, they made pictures out of the words. poetry is all about the use of the words and the impact that they have on their own which is why i think this was the most creative typography.
    my favourite poem was For your Tommorow because it was short and simple, you didnt have to look deeper to find the meaning. it was quite imaginative the way the author has expressed a deep message in so few words.
    LANA :)

  7. Brooke: i believe 'For Your Tomorrow' was the best poem as it was short, to the point, and had a very good word choice. <- i nominalised :)
    The best typography was 'You want a social life with friends' because it had pictures to accompany the words.

  8. Ash: The poem that is my favourite is For your tomorrow. Although it is short is sends a strong message. The best topography video is no cure because the animations and pictures related to the poem well.

  9. Hey guys its Tommy Torres here.
    The poem i feel that explored the theme of a perfect man or true aspects of life that needs to be overcome is the poem by Rudyard Kipling calle "IF....". This because i think if we can overcome these we would be a true person, and i can sort of relate to this. This poem also goes into great details about life and overcoming issues.
    No cure was i think the best visual poem because the video clips and pictures related to the actual poem. Tommy Torres

  10. Kaitlyn :)

    I really liked the poem "The Clock of Life" because it shows how little time we actually have and it also sums up how fragile our lives are and that if we don't live it to the full we may regret our decisions for not doing what we wanted.
    I really like the typography "If..." because it held my attention the whole time due to the simple colours but also with the images the composer used to support what the poet was saying.

  11. brad: I believe that the poem "For Your Tomorrow" is the most effective poem because of the strong messages being conveyed and the concise format

  12. Yasmin: I enjoyed the poem 'puppy mill' as it had a really expressive voice in the peom and made the audience feel sorry for the dog. I enjoyed the typography called 'No cure' because it was different to the others and expressed the words through pictures

  13. In my opinion, the poem "For Your Tomorrow" is the most powerful poem in exploring the theme, because even though it is short and simple, it cuts to the point and really makes you think about it. However my favourite topography was the "Puppy Mill" because it plays on your emotions and the music sends chills up your spine, especially because the poem is from the dogs point of view :( its so sad!

  14. Bella: My favourite poems, words alone, were "For Your Tomorrow" (in understanding its true meaning) and "Puppy Mill," but the typography for each of these weren't very interesting. I liked the typography for "IF..." The visuals were intriguing and the music was epic 8P

  15. Maddie: The poem i feel was the most effective was the puppy mill, as it conveyed are very powerfull message. The most visually appealing poem i thought, was for your tommorrow.

  16. My favourite poem was For Your Tomorrow because the idea was conveyed in not many words so it was simple, straight forward and easy to understand. The dramatic words effectively communicate to the readers and has an emotional effect.
    My favourite topography was IF by Rudyard Kipling because the words were used creatively to captivate the audience's attention and make the words stand out which is what poetry is all about. I liked how the words were used to create images and how powerful it can be on readers.

  17. The Video I found most effective was Derek Del Bario's "No Cure". The typography crafted and manipulated a simply formed poem, through the use of a selection of animations and pictorial ideas.

    The Poem I found most effective was "The Clock of Life". Through the use of a rhyming scheme and effective poetry technqiues, Robert H Smith was able to produce a moving poem.


  18. The poem that i feel was most effective in terms of exploring a theme was 'For Your Tomorrow', this poem was short and sharp and the images in the video helped express its theme a lot easier.
    The video which i thought best represented the poem was 'You want a social life with friends', this video was very simple and didn't get carried away. also the clever writing styles and small animations represented the poem well.

    Thanks Jarrid 'Legend' Fyfe

  19. Brad: The video which i believed was the most effective was 'no cure' as the graphics were detailed.

  20. Joey: The typography which was the most effective was "For Your Tomorrow" because it used quiuck glances at strong images that effectively conveyed the message.

  21. Lauren :)
    I think that the 'For Your Tomorrow' was the best peom because the point was expressed short and simple. I think the 'No Cure' typography was the best, because the pictures fitted in really well with the words.

  22. Joey: the poem which was the most effective was "For Your Tomorrow" because the poet seleceted his words well and it was straight to the point.

  23. Brandon: Out of the six poems my favourite was 'For your tomorrow' composed by Major John Etty-Leal. It is effective in conveying it's message and due to it's length it is a strong peice of writing.
    My favourite Youtube Typeography was 'If'. It's visuals were interesting and fashioned in a unique way. The Typeography also had good music which matched to the poem and made the whole thing much more interesting.

  24. Matt: The poem, 'For Your Tomorrow' is the most effective in my opinion because of its simplicity. Being such a short poem, the message is portrayed to the audience easily. The typography used is also quite effective.

  25. The poem, 'For Your Tomorrow' composed by John Etty-Leal, has the best representation of it's theme through the use of typography and the strong, emotive images that changed.



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