May 31, 2010

Monday - Period 2

Casket Riddles - decipher the riddles for each of the gold, silver and lead caskets.  Consider the qualities that Portia's father is revealing in each of his riddles.  Make suitable notes for each in your book.

Using this information, record your responses in the Voicethread below.

Homework - Responses totalling 20 points (from the 42 point questions) due today.

May 24, 2010

Monday - Period 5


Close study of each scene (continued) for relevance to plot, character, theme, and language used.  Completed in groups and shared.

May 19, 2010

Wednesday - Period 1


Close study of each scene for relevance to plot, character, theme, and language used.

May 17, 2010

Monday - Period 2

Speech presentations were finished on Friday.  Without exception each of you spoke well and effectively presented your identity ideas.  Well done to you all.

Activities:  (The Merchant of Venice)

1.  Completion and submission of identify paragraphs (15 minutes only).
2.  Close study of Shylock's monologue.

May 14, 2010

Friday - Period 3

Assessment Task - Identity speech presentations

Homework:  Using the 'comments' link below this post, you are to post a comment stating which speeches presented today you found most effective. You need to explain why this speech was effective and you can address both the content of the speech and the presentation (delivery). This is not a vote for friends, but rather information to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and speech presentation.

May 11, 2010

Tuesday - Period 3

Assessment Task - Identity speech presentations

Homework:  Using the 'comments' link below this post, you are to post a comment stating which speeches presented today you found most effective. You need to explain why this speech was effective and you can address both the content of the speech and the presentation (delivery). This is not a vote for friends, but rather information to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and speech presentation.

May 10, 2010

Monday - Period 5

Assessment Task - Identity speech presentations

Homework:  Using the 'comments' link below this post, you are to post a comment stating which speeches presented today you found most effective. You need to explain why this speech was effective and you can address both the content of the speech and the presentation (delivery). This is not a vote for friends, but rather information to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and speech presentation.

May 5, 2010

Wednesday - Period 1 & Friday - Period 3


1.  Text/reader/world questions completed.  Feedback to class.
2.  Paragraph writing - Two paragraphs in response to the following question:
In 'The Merchant of Venice', Shakespeare considers the values of mercy and friendship and the actions of prejudice and revenge.  Choose one value and one action and examine his representation of these themes.

Homework:  42 Point Question responses (totalling 20 points) due on 31/5/10.  'Article of the Week' due Monday, 10/5/10. 

SPEECH PRESENTATIONS - in class Week 4 (starting Monday).

May 3, 2010

Monday - Period 2


Themes - text/reader/world questions and answers devised for the themes of: prejudice, friendship, mercy.

Knowledge of the text being read
Personal response to the text
Knowledge of the world and other texts

So you will need questions for the following:  text, text/reader, reader, reader/world, world, world/text

Homework:  Remember to be working on questions totalling 20 points from the '42 points' sheet.
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