February 24, 2010

Wednesday - Period 1


1.  Completion of film deconstruction sheet
2.  Character study - identity descriptions of each character
3.  Motherhood statement brainstorm - using the 'comments' link below, post at least TWO identity motherhood statements that are represented in 'Mona Lisa Smile'.

1.  Article of the Week - 'Pope Benedict XVI's Vatican policies back union rights'
2.  'What Matters?' writing competition - draft due Monday of Week 7


  1. within society, expectations and stereoypes define certian areas of our identity.

    Being your own perosn and having your own identity is complicated by social views and opinions of others.

    alison ( sorry about the spelling)

  2. our identity can be defined by the traditions and expectations we are expected to conform to.

    Society can impact our identity, distorting ours, and others, perceptions of our true selves.

    Brooke :)

  3. when we challenge authority and tradition our identity is askewed from our true sense of self to how we are percieved by others.

    our identity is only correct when we stay true to our beliefs however when our identity is questioned by the expectations of others we can end up being defined by the rules we are forced to abide by.

    Lana <3

  4. Our identity is strongly influenced by the stereotypes inflicted by others.

    When people are faced with a new identity they make stereotypes to assist with their judgement.

    Elese Gallen :)

  5. Identities can be changed and/or affected by societies outlook on them.

    Identities are a precious thing that if faked can cause pain to those around them.


  6. Societies views and traditions cause us to conform to a certain identity
    Individuals rebelling against societies views on identity may cause us to be outcasted

  7. When we base our lives upon the expectations of society we can often lose our self to the stereotypical views of others.

    By being an individual with different views or opinions it may cause us to be ostracised by our society.

    Hayley =D

  8. People's identity is/can be changed because of society and what it deems to be correct.

    People have varying willingness to conform to an image that society believes to be correct for a woman.

    Kaitlyn :)

  9. Identity can be judged by societies perceptions of what is right.

    Societies expectations change the identity that defines the roles of women.

  10. Stereotypes are percieved differently, when see through different eyes.

    Roles in society change when identity is changed by others.

    Lauren :)

  11. Identity of most women, is defined by the expectations of society.

    Identity can be created by being opposed to the identity society wants you to have.

    Maddie :D

  12. Identity can allow you to blend in with stereotypes of society, or to stand it from it.

    Social stereotypes differ depending on the era you were raised in.


  13. A person's identity can allow them to either conform with society, or to stand out from it.

    Social stereotypes can often change throughout time periods.

    ~Gabriella A~

  14. Our identity can be strongly influenced by others in society.

    Sometimes our identity can be changed through stereotypes


  15. Our identity is enything and everything that we are. it is our traditions and culture, it is our beliefs and where we come from.

    identity sets us apert from every person on the planet, some of us express our identity out loud, and others hide it from the world.

    Wade S

  16. Identity is the stereotypical perception we receive from others based on our gender, culture and social lives.

    Our personality can be a single glimpse of our identity.

    Jason :P

  17. Your future can be influenced by societies thoughts on what you should be doing.

    if people dont live to societies normal and go about what they think is right they are looked upon differently

    Jarrid xoxo

  18. A persons identity is usually a stereo typical vuew on that persons apperance or traditions.

    Our traditions contributes to the way we are socially identified.

    Yasmin :D

  19. Identity can controlled by society.

    Refusal to change's one identity creates a strong sense of independence in an individual.


  20. Stereotyping may portray a false identity to others.

    Identity of a person may change from their experiences with others or chqnges in their life

  21. It is complicated to be an individual when society wants you to be apart of the masses.

    When society expects us to conform to the typical stereotype we mustn't let the judgement of others alter what we desire in life.

    Laura :)

  22. Anonymous said...
    A persons identity can be changed in order to fit in with the public.

    An identity can mislead others to believe they are something that they are not.

    Joey!! :D

  23. Our wealth can determine what others perceive as our future identities.

    Our identities can quickly change based on the beliefs and traditions of others.


  24. Idenity changes through the expectations of society.

    Idenity can be sterotyped by the dominant group in society.


  25. *Our unique identities are taken away when we conform to societies stereotypes.

    *A woman's identity is formed by the double standards of society.

    ..::Amber::.. XD

  26. Our identity can be changed by society's expectations or beliefs.

    You need identity to withstand society's views or stereotypes.

    - marika zorlu :)


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