February 26, 2010

Friday - Period 3


1.  Complete characterisation tables started last lesson - appearance, actions, thoughts, feelings, things they say and how they are said, attitude/values, opinions of others, opinions held by others.
2.  Make sure you have posted TWO motherhood statements using the 'comments' link on the previous posting below.  If you are uncertain how to do this, check first with someone who has already posted.
3.  Visit America During the 1950s - make summary notes from the information found under the headings 'social changes' and 'gender issues'.  These notes are the social and historical context of this text.

Homework:  Your 'Article of the Week' regarding unions is due on Monday, 1/3/10.

February 24, 2010

Wednesday - Period 1


1.  Completion of film deconstruction sheet
2.  Character study - identity descriptions of each character
3.  Motherhood statement brainstorm - using the 'comments' link below, post at least TWO identity motherhood statements that are represented in 'Mona Lisa Smile'.

1.  Article of the Week - 'Pope Benedict XVI's Vatican policies back union rights'
2.  'What Matters?' writing competition - draft due Monday of Week 7

February 15, 2010

Monday - Period 5 & Tuesday - Period 3


1.  'Victims of our own prejudice' - conceptualising of ideas presented in this text.
2.  Assessment Task # 1 issued.
2.  'Mona Lisa Smile' viewing. 
We lose Friday's lesson due to the History/Geography excursions.  Before your return on Monday 22/2/10, begin to formulate motherhood statements about identity that occur to you as a result of your viewing of the film.  The trailer can be viewed below to assist you.

  • Article of the Week, 'Violence risks foreign student market'.
  • 'What Matters?' writing competition:  formulate a topic, viewpoin t and approach for this writing task.  Your draft version is due to Mrs Lans by Monday, Week 7.

February 8, 2010

Monday - Period 2 & Thursday - Period 1

1.  Stereotypes - 'Tribes' matching activity. 
2.  Related Text:  'Victims of our own prejudice' (opinion) deconstruction and analysis.  ( 3 Motherhood statements to be ready for lesson on Week 4 Monday, Period 5)

Homework:  Article of the Week - 'Silent Asylum Seekers'.  Responses to be completed by Monday, 15/02/10 Period 5.

February 5, 2010

Friday - Period 3

We will continue to focus on the concept of 'identity' via the following activities:

1.  Continuation of PowerPoint

HOMEWORK:  Your response to the 'Article of the Week' is due on Monday, Period 2.  Two paragraphs addressing the importance/relevance of your chosen topics/issues to our contemporary world.

Remember to commence your wider reading of 'The Wave' by Morton Rhue.  You must have finished reading this by the end of Week 9.

February 1, 2010

Monday - Period 5

To commence your Year 10 study we will cover the following activities:
  1. Weekly vocabulary activity
  2. School Certificate checklist
  3.  'Article of the Week' homework task
  4. 'What Matters' writing competition (Term 1)

Activities 1, 3 & 4 will be regular parts of your study, each designed to focus on your reading, writing, ideas and vocabulary. Together with the SC checklist they will assist your preparation for the School Certificate Exam.
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