September 18, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3 & Thursday - Period 1

The Running Man

  1. Examination of quotes from the text that develop belonging ideas.
  2. The Running Man extract activity - What does Joseph's anecdote about his art teacher, Mr De Groot, tell us about identity?  (Weebly response)
  3. Unit summary - create a new page on your Weebly.  Choose three (3) texts and for each one, explain what it has taught you about the concept of identity. Also choose one (1) quote from the ones we have looked at throughout the unit and explain why this quote makes the most sense to you about the nature of identity.  

September 10, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

The Running Man

In pairs you will be given a chapter of the novel which you are to reread closely and make notes on the following question.

How are Tom Leyton, Joseph Davidson, The Running Man, and Mrs Mossop represented in your chapter.  Record examples (quotes) from the text that show how Michael Gerard Bauer has created the identity of these characters.

These notes will be shared with the rest of the class in a future lesson, so you need to ensure that you adequately record your information for the benefit of others.
  • Narrative writing - reflection statement writing.  Completion of table that will assist you to complete your Reflection Statement for your upcoming assessment task.
Reminder - your revised copy of your assessment task narrative is to be sighted next Tuesday, 18th September.

September 4, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

Our study of The Running Man will start today.  To understand the identity of Tom Leyton you need to read/view each of the texts below.  You are looking at how Vietnam veterans are represented in texts.  In particular you need to focus on the following questions for EACH text:
  1. How does the text represent Vietnam veterans?
  2. What techniques are effective in achieving this representation? (eg figurative language, colloquial language, emotive language, jargon, persona/point of view, visual techniques)
  3. What does the text suggest are the effects of having fought in Vietnam?

Writing Task:  Using these ideas, then compose a paragraph on your Weebly that outlines how you believe Vietnam veterans are stereotyped.

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