February 27, 2012

Monday - Period 2 & Wednesday - Period 3

To consolidate what we have done so far we will take a look at the subject specific terminology list for this unit and clarify our understandings of the terms encountered to date.

Lean on Me - Principal Clark's Speech

We will start examining this speech through a word cloud to predict the tone and subject matter of the text.  Next, you will look at the transcript and annotate the techniques that you can identify.  Finally, you will complete the following on your Weebly:
  1. SOAPS details
  2. Tone of the speech - what attitude is being expressed by Principal Clark.  Explain your answer
  3. Use of ethos, pathos, and/or logos - how is this developed?
  4. A paragraph response to the question -  Evaluate the effectiveness of Principal Clark's speech in Lean On Me in achieving his purpose.

February 21, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3 & Thursday - Period 1

Inpendence Day Speech:

Continuing our work from last lesson, you will annotate your own personal copy of the speech.  We will look at how it is structured and the 'voices' it contains.

Once this is complete you will need to complete the following tasks on your Weebly:

  1. Under the 'Rhetoric' tab create a new sub-page called 'Independence Day'.
  2. Using 'SOAPS' describe each section.
  3. Insert the video onto your page (locate the embed code from Youtube)
  4. Underneath the video describe the structure
  5. Describe the 'voices' contained in the speech.

February 17, 2012

Friday - Period 5

Rhetorical study of The President's address in the film, Independence Day.

1. Initial task:  SOAPS - Speaker - Occasion - Audience - Purpose - Subject
2. Speech deconstruction: using the frequency list and your Rhetorical Devices Glossary, locate the rhetorical devices found in the text.  In groups of 2 or 3, annotate your copy using sticky notes.

February 15, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

Group A:  Weebly - ethos, pathos and logos.  Understanding shown using a print advertisement under a sub-heading 'Ethos - Pathos - Logos'.
Group B:  Introduction to rhetorical devices (glossary)

February 13, 2012

Monday - Period 2

Group A:  introduction to rhetorical devices (glossary)
Group B:  Weebly - ethos, pathos and logos.  Understanding shown using a print advertisement under a sub-heading 'Ethos - Pathos - Logos'.

February 9, 2012

Thursday - Period 1

Ethos - Pathos - Logos
Today we will look at each of these as part of Aristotle's theory of effective communication.
Ethos Pathos Logos Sheet

Then we will look at the Chevron, 'Human Energy' television advertisements and discuss the use of each element.

February 7, 2012

Tuesday - Period 3

To begin our study of rhetoric we will consider the relationships between each of the following elements:

Following discussion around these areas you need to:

  1. Create a new page on your Weebly titled 'Rhetoric'
  2. On that page write your definition of rhetoric
  3. In point form detail your understanding of the relationships between the above elements

February 4, 2012

Friday - Period 5

Today you will receive and examine your Subject Specific Terminology and Report Criteria for Semester 1.

The remainder of the lesson will be spent setting up your Weebly ready for future lessons/tasks.  You need the password and userid given to you, and must log into http://students.weebly.com to begin.  Take the time to become familiar with the features of Weebly.

February 1, 2012

Wednesday - Period 3

Welcome to English in 2012.  We will begin this year with the following:
  • Outline of what you will study this year
  • A look at this blog and the Weebly you will complete your work on
  • Set up the book you will keep this year
  • If time, begin to look at our first unit on rhetoric
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